Summer Courses

Dr. Tenerelli offers finance focused BUS 496 Individual Study courses tailored to individual students interests and needs.  BUS 496 is an excellent way to jump start your involvement in the CWU Investment Group and your job market preparation.  By completing a stock analysis for Bus 496, students have a tangible document that clearly displays their financial acumen to include with their application materials when applying for finance jobs.  Students are also in a position to pursue the following activities during the following academic year: stock pitch to the CWU Investment Group, potential selection of stock to be included in the Wildcat Fund, potential presentation to the CWU Foundation Board, presentation at SOURCE (Symposium on Undergraduate Research and Creative Endeavors).

Approximately 20 students have conducted Individual Study courses with Dr. Tenerelli in the past.  He has worked with students on company evaluations, market valuation, event studies, corporate structure, real estate market analysis, and data collection-management-and-analysis.   

In addition, Dr. Tenerelli typically teaches an online section of FIN 370 Introductory Financial Management and FIN 475 Investments.

All interested students are welcome to contact Dr. Tenerelli directly with any questions by clicking here